Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Obstetricians.

Salam ;)

Its Friday! It has been soooo long I don’t wait for the joy of weekend :’) I don’t know about others, but personally I rasa minggu ni memang panjang. Mungkin panjang sebab I duk tunggu2 bila la nak rehat, bila la nak rehat. Oh oh oh I lupa nak cakap, this week is my first week of hospital attachment. Bukan la rajin mana pun like bila orang tau I join this thing, people kept saying eh eh rajin nya kau. Ni bukan pasal rajin ke apa, tapi I can just maximally polish my potential when I am under stress. So sebenarnya I ni pemalas. Orang lain elok2 je boleh study dekat rumah tak payah nak attachment attachment bagai, tapi I tak boleh rajin macam tu. Lepas I bukak buku, buku la baca I. Kalau buku tu boleh cakap, mungkin nak je dia kata eh kau ni bukak aku, nak busukkan aku ke? Bukan bermanafaat pun aku duduk ngan kau T_T kejamnye kau cakap macam tu. Maka I pun menyahut cabaran Cik Buku ngan join attachment, untuk membuktikan aku ni insan berguna :’)

Mula-mula I ingat attachment ni macam lain2 attachment yang macam orang lain cerita. Boleh pergi lewat, ikut je doctors, tanak buat pape pun takpe. Tapi since we are attached to our beloved HUSM, the things get little complicated. They treat us as their students yang menjadi tanggungjawab they all untuk ajar us every single thing, untuk pastikan we all grab and apply everything yang houseman, medical officer perlu buat and perlu tahu. Kalau jawab we are observer, memang nak kena la tu. Every single procedure, memang kena tahu what was that. Tak mudah, tak mudah. Sebab hari ahad we all sebok uruskan hal admin and hostel check in, we joined the ward round starting from Monday. Oh there are 11 of us, 3 boys, 8 girls. And we all dibahagikan pada 4 teams, Prof. Nora’s, Dr. Ramli’s, Prof. Adibah’s, and Prof. Shah. And 1 junior from oversea university, anak Prof. Shah :’) I paired with Nana and Abg Izzat in Prof. Adibah’s ;)

A few of us ;)

So here is some of the moments yang I sempat tangkap dengan kepala I ;)

1.  Since my team’s specialist didn’t around on the first day, , so I joined Prof. Nora’s team. Even we are just the attachment student, still she did ask the basic questions, like what is the adverse effect of Oxytocin. Kak Ina jawab for uterine contraction (main action), luckily she heard fluid retention, the correct answer of course :’) Panic kot tiba-tiba aimed us, dah la dah tinggal lama ilmu2 sebegini, sampai side effect ngan the main action pun tertukar. Nasib baik ada Kak Ina bagi jawapan yang side-effect-like-sound :’)

2.  Nana and I met Dr. Liew, labor room MO. We saw how ARM was done, and smell the amniotic fluid :’) Mula-mula I ingat he just bullied us, tapi I recommended you all to smell it, something sweet in smell. Kena 1st dying shot, kena state the differences between ARM, PPROM, PROM tu terkebil-kebil takyah cite la. Apatah lagi suruh set IV, tersipu-sipu pulak dekat situ. First day kooottt tatau pape lagi. Arah tuju pun terumbang ambing lagi. Pastu pastu we all dapat tengok ECV (external cephalic version). I tengok pun nak tercabut kepala lutut. Apa lagi mommy-to-be tu. Dia memang kuat :’) Tapi I tak mampu lagi tengok labour. Apa nak jadi la kau ni Syafiqah.

3.  The things move smoothly on Tuesday. Kena tanya soalan bertubi2 tu biasa la, like what is the normal range for the blood count in pregnancy lady, sebab we met a patient with Candida, GBS infection.  Now I cuba jugak untuk tengok labour. I memang mungkin terlebih belas sampai I tak boleh tengok people in pain. Bukan masalah mabuk darah, tapi I kesian tengok orang. The tips for myself is I tahan jugak, tengok jugak, and tengok baby, put the enthusiast to the baby yang nak keluar, jangan tengok the mother. Pastu cari tempat yang ada kerusi siap-siap. Hehe. And of course, sehari suntuk kot I doa biar Allah kasi the strength. So tak boleh lansung nak riak kasi-kasi tips, sebab I yakin 100% Allah sebenarnya yang tolong. Bila baby dah keluar, oh I pulak happy, and bila ayah baby azankan, I pulak touching, nak berair-berair mata :’)

4.  Okay we all baru get the knock on Wednesday. We all kena tegur sebab specialist datang, she nampak we all duduk kat sofa. Tanya indication for LSCS pun tak bagi convincing answer. To be frank, we all tak tau pun boleh ikut HO and MO pergi clerk patient pagi-pagi. Nampak they all sebok prepare, takut ganggu. We all dah prepare, cover the cases a night before, and datang seawal 7.30am. Tapi we all tak cakap yang we all dah prepare, takut kena soal. Teehee. I don’t think she scolded us for no reason, even she was like conveying her frustration toward us, but to make us move forward, kinda motivation to us. Mana tak motivation nya kalau terus pergi cari buku macam-macam author, pulun study group terus, clerk almost all patient dalam ward tu, even bukan team kitorang pun ;)

Ahli politik haruslah di depan ;p

5.  On Thursday, pagi-pagi lagi kitorang dah pergi ikut HO and MO clerk patients. Tanya soalan bertubi-tubi sampai lambat join ward round. Tapi Doctor tak kesah sebab kitorang bukan berehat-berehat macam tuan besar macam semalam. Hehe. Pastu kitorang ada teaching dengan The Sweet Dr. Ramli. He thought us from A to Z. Siap ada mind map, scheme answers bila examiner tanya gini, give these. He even corrects our skill of palpation, basic kan, tapi he is sooo kind and patient untuk ajar us :’) And malam tu we see the cerclarge removal. I thought the spelling was ciklagre, sebab nurse eja macam tu dekat patient’s folder. Cari dekat internet, keluar “doa sebelum tidur” -_-” haha.

6.  Jumaat pagi pergi hospital, wuwuwuw takde doctor pun. Ekoran malu dengan diri sendiri sebab terlebih semangat, kami perlu dapatkan sesuatu jugak, untuk mengelakkan malu. So kami buat2 pesongkan tujuan ke hospital di pagi hari sebab nak ambik gambar di carpark :D

p/s : Kita penyiasat. Tapi kita takde pistol. ~Dr. Ramli~
*Comel gila quote ni!*
  ( smbungannya : Kita guna suara. Maka tak boleh jadi doctor kalau takde suara )

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